Staff: Fruits and Snacks

Workplace Seasonal Fruit Delivery up to 300 Pieces

Mini Fruit Basket


Extra Small Fruit Basket- $29.00

Min. of 18 Pieces

Poco Fruit Basket


Small Fruit Basket- $44.00

Min. of 30 Pieces

Medio Fruit Basket


Medium Fruit Basket- $68.00

Min. of 50 Pieces

Grande Fruit Basket


Large Fruit Basket- $94

Min. of 75 Pieces

Custom Order

Need more servings?
Contact us to set up an order that suits the needs of your budget, staff, and workplace.

Small Baked Goods

$ 35.00

Min. of 25 Servings

Large Baked Goods

$ 65.00

Min. of 55 Servings

Small Pastries

$ 35.00

Min. of 25 Servings

Large Pastries

$ 65.00

Min. of 55 Servings